Give me a couple days to get the new site up and runnin'. I'll try to get it goin quickly. :)
Because I am Catholic has switched to Blogger and has been renamed. The link is
These are the shoes of Pius VII in 1808 (above).
Flashforward a little over 200 years, and you have the shoes of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI! Church tradition is so cool. I mean, even the Vati guards have been wearing the same uniform for hundreds of years. They actually kinda remind me of jesters. :P Which probably isn't a good thing seeing that they have to be intimidating.
I found this prayer (below) for the papal conclave on EWTN. :)

Lord God, You are our Eternal Shepherd and Guide. In Your mercy grant Your Church a shepherd who will walk in Your ways and whose watchful care will bring us Your blessing. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Another thing that myself and a bunch of other people did was put all the voting cardinals' names in a box, and take turns drawing names. Whatever names we draw we have to pray for them daily until a pope is elected. :)
      “If you place [your bet] with God, you lose nothing, even if it turns out that
    God does not exist. But if you place it against God, and you are wrong and God
    does exist, you lose everything.”
    - Peter Kreeft

    About the site layout of BIAC...

     I know, I know, the theme of this site always seems to be changing. I think I've found one that I liked, but I like to hear your opinions about the site layout. (Hint, hint.) Just click on the contact page.. (HINT HINT!)




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