Here is the long-promised paper on tolerance! Enjoy!

                                                                The Evolution of Tolerance

    Over the course of time, many words and their meanings evolve or develop a new definition entirely. This may be the result of many factors. As time elapses, customs and cultures change, as do people. Certain morals may become more or less valued in society, and that is often shown in our language. It impacts our outlook on life, and ultimately, the way we live. The word 'tolerance' could undoubtedly be called one of the most prevalent terms used today, as well as one of the most misinterpreted.

    In previous generations, 'tolerance' had slightly different implications than it has today. Primarily, it meant that you were able to put up with some annoyance or discomfort. Everyone has a limit of what they can tolerate, and that limit varies by person. Along with that, it referred to the respect due to a person, even if their opinions differed from your own. You were not, however, obligated to accept or agree with their point of view. This meaning has changed significantly in only a short period of time. It really was an easy alteration; they only had to change one key word.

    Due to some subtle adaptations of the word, tolerance is now seen in a different light. It seems that people either don't know the difference between respect and acceptance (two easily confusable words), or they're just ignoring it, because, there is a difference! When we are told (directly or indirectly) that we must be 'tolerant' of everything, that no longer means we must respect differing opinions, we must agree with them. There is no longer an objective truth. We have become afraid to 'stir the pot', hence, we shut our mouths and comply. Well, whatever we have neglected to 'stir' in that pot may burn. That is what happens. We cannot let the government and media silence us. Christians have a voice; it must be heard.

    The new and revised definition of tolerance, though pleasing to many, appears rather, well, hypocritical. They tell us everything is okay, nothing is wrong, and somehow this new-fangled idea will make everybody happy. I couldn't disagree more with this statement. If one of your dearest friends skipped over to you and said 'Hey, I'm going to go get drunk tonight! What do you think?', would you nod your head, grin idiotically, and say something about how wonderfully freeing it is to be able to accept everyone's ideas? I hope not. You would probably warn them about the dangers of overdrinking, not because you had a lack of respect for their freedom, but because you cared about them. You loved them and wanted the best for them

    It is evident, then, that the meaning of tolerance has changed over time. What started with enduring or respecting something or someone eventually metamorphosed into acceptance. This all goes to show how our society has lost our focus on Christ, who, sadly, is not 'tolerated' by many people. May we always remember that it is He who is "The Way, the Truth, and the Life", not our government leaders.
12/10/2012 02:55:27 am

Wonderful and oh so true.


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